File Formats#
The battery data toolkit stores data and metadata in two formats:
HDF5: A format for saving all available information about a battery into a single file
Parquet: A format optimized for storing column data, but requires saving separate files for each type of data (cycle vs raw)
objects support reading and writing to these classes via to_[format]
and from_[format]
methods, such as to_hdf()
and from_parquet()
The HDF5 format stores array data as a nested series of dictionaries.
stores each type of data known about a battery in separate groups
and the metadata for the battery as the metadata.
import h5py
import json
with h5py.File('example.h5') as f:
metadata = json.loads(f.attrs['metadata']) # Data describing the cell and how it was tested
version = json.loads(f.attrs['battdat_version']) # BattDat version used to save dataset
raw_data = f['raw_data'] # HDF5 group holding raw data
schema = raw_data.attrs['metadata'] # Description of each column
The internal structure of each group (e.g., f['raw_data']
) are that of
the PyTables Table format:
a one-dimensional chunked array with a compound data type.
HDF5 content
$ h5ls -rv single-resistor-complex-charge_from-discharged.hdf
Opened ".\single-resistor-complex-charge_from-discharged.hdf" with sec2 driver.
/ Group
Attribute: CLASS scalar
Type: 5-byte null-terminated UTF-8 string
Type: 3-byte null-terminated UTF-8 string
Attribute: TITLE null
Type: 1-byte null-terminated UTF-8 string
Attribute: VERSION scalar
Type: 3-byte null-terminated UTF-8 string
Attribute: battdat_version scalar
Type: 5-byte null-terminated UTF-8 string
Attribute: json_schema scalar
Type: 8816-byte null-terminated ASCII string
Attribute: metadata scalar
Type: 242-byte null-terminated UTF-8 string
Location: 1:96
Links: 1
/raw_data Dataset {3701/Inf}
Attribute: CLASS scalar
Type: 5-byte null-terminated UTF-8 string
Attribute: FIELD_0_FILL scalar
Type: native double
Attribute: FIELD_0_NAME scalar
Type: 9-byte null-terminated UTF-8 string
Attribute: FIELD_1_FILL scalar
Type: native double
Attribute: FIELD_1_NAME scalar
Type: 7-byte null-terminated UTF-8 string
Attribute: FIELD_2_FILL scalar
Type: native double
Attribute: FIELD_2_NAME scalar
Type: 7-byte null-terminated UTF-8 string
Attribute: FIELD_3_FILL scalar
Type: native long long
Attribute: FIELD_3_NAME scalar
Type: 12-byte null-terminated UTF-8 string
Attribute: NROWS scalar
Type: native long long
Attribute: TITLE null
Type: 1-byte null-terminated UTF-8 string
Attribute: VERSION scalar
Type: 3-byte null-terminated UTF-8 string
Attribute: json_schema scalar
Type: 2824-byte null-terminated UTF-8 string
Attribute: metadata scalar
Type: 2824-byte null-terminated UTF-8 string
Location: 1:10240
Links: 1
Chunks: {2048} 65536 bytes
Storage: 118432 logical bytes, 6670 allocated bytes, 1775.59% utilization
Filter-0: shuffle-2 OPT {32}
Filter-1: deflate-1 OPT {9}
Type: struct {
"test_time" +0 native double
"current" +8 native double
"voltage" +16 native double
"cycle_number" +24 native long long
} 32 bytes
Multiple Batteries per File#
Data from multiple batteries can share a single HDF5 file as long as they share the same metadata.
Add multiple batteries into an HDF5 file by providing a “prefix” to name each cell.
test_a.to_hdf('test.h5', prefix='a')
test_b.to_hdf('test.h5', prefix='b', overwrite=False) # Overwrite is mandatory
Load a specific cell by providing a specific prefix on load
test_a = BatteryDataset.from_hdf('test.h5', prefix='a')
or load any of the included cells by providing an index
test_a = BatteryDataset.from_hdf('test.h5', prefix=0)
Load all cells by iterating over them:
for name, cell in BatteryDataset.all_cells_from_hdf('test.h5'):
Appending to Existing File#
The HDF5Writer
class facilitates adding to existing datasets.
Start by creating the writer with the desired compression settings
from import HDFWriter
writer = HDFWriter(complevel=9)
Add a new table to an existing dataset with add_table()
which requires the name of a dataset and a column schema.
import pandas as pd
import tables
# Make dataset and column
df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [1., 0.]})
schema = ColumnSchema()
schema.add_column('a', 'A column')
with tables.open_file('example.h5', mode='a') as file:
writer.add_table(file, 'example_table', df, schema)
Add data to an existing table with append_to_table()
with tables.open_file('example.h5', mode='a') as file:
writer.append_to_table(file, 'example_table', df)
The new table must match the existing table’s contents exactly. Any compression settings or metadata from the existing table will be re-used.
The Apache Parquet format is designed for high performance I/O of tabular data.
stores each type of data in a separate file and the metadata in file-level metadata
of each file.
from pyarrow import parquet as pq
import json
# Reading the metadata
file_metadata = pq.read_metadata('raw_data.parquet') # Parquet metadata
metadata = json.loads(file_metadata.metadata[b'battery_metadata']) # For the battery
schema = json.loads(file_metadata.metadata[b'table_metadata']) # For the columns
# Reading the data
table = pq.read_table('raw_data.parquet') # In pyarrow's native Table format
df = table.to_pandas() # As a dataframe
The internal structure of a Parquet file saved by battdat
has column names and data types which match those provided when saving the file.
Any numeric types will be the same format (e.g., float32
vs float64
and times are stored as floating point numbers, rather than Parquet’s time format.