Streaming Battery Data#

Many battery datasets are too large to fit in memory in a single computer at once. Such data can be read or written incrementally using the streaming module of battery data toolkit, battdat.streaming.

Reading Data as a Stream#

The battery-data-toolkit allows streaming the raw time series data from an HDF5 file format.

Stream the data either as individual rows or all rows belonging to each cycle with the iterate_records_from_file() or iterate_cycles_from_file().

Both functions produce a Python generator which retrieves a chunk of data from the HDF5 file incrementally and can be used to produce data individually

row_iter = iterate_records_from_file('example.h5')
row = next(row_iter)

or as part of a for loop.

for cycle in iterate_cycles_from_file('example.h5'):

Streaming Data to a File#

Write large datasets into battery-data-toolkit-compatible formats incrementally using the HDF5Writer.

Start the writer class by providing the path to the HDF5 file and the metadata to be written then opening it via Python’s with syntax.

metadata = BatteryMetadata(name='example')
with HDF5Writer('streamed.h5', metadata=metadata) as writer:
    for time, current, voltage in data_stream:
        writer.write_row({'test_time': time, 'current': current, 'voltage': voltage})

The writer only writes to disk after enough rows are collected or the end of a data stream is signaled by exiting the with block.