File Formats
The battery data toolkit stores data and metadata in two formats:
- *HDF5*: A format for saving all available information about a battery into a single file
- *Parquet*: A format optimized for storing column data, but requires saving separate files for each type of data (cycle vs raw)
.. contents::
:depth: 1
:class:`` objects support reading and writing to these classes via ``to_[format]`` and ``from_[format]``
methods, such as :meth:`` and :meth:``
.. _hdf5:
The `HDF5 format `_ stores array data as a nested series of dictionaries.
``battdat`` stores each type of data known about a battery in separate groups
and the metadata for the battery as the metadata.
.. code-block:: python
from tables import File
import json
with File('example.h5') as f:
metadata = json.loads(f.root._v_attrs['metadata']) # Data describing the cell and how it was tested
version = json.loads(f.root._v_attrs['battdat_version']) # BattDat version used to save dataset
raw_data = f.root['raw_data'] # HDF5 group holding raw data
schema = raw_data._v_attrs['metadata'] # Description of each column
The internal structure of each group (e.g., ``f['raw_data']``) are that of
the `PyTables Table format `_:
a one-dimensional chunked array with a compound data type.
.. dropdown:: HDF5 content
.. code-block::
$ h5ls -rv single-resistor-complex-charge_from-discharged.hdf
Opened ".\single-resistor-complex-charge_from-discharged.hdf" with sec2 driver.
/ Group
Attribute: CLASS scalar
Type: 5-byte null-terminated UTF-8 string
Type: 3-byte null-terminated UTF-8 string
Attribute: TITLE null
Type: 1-byte null-terminated UTF-8 string
Attribute: VERSION scalar
Type: 3-byte null-terminated UTF-8 string
Attribute: battdat_version scalar
Type: 5-byte null-terminated UTF-8 string
Attribute: json_schema scalar
Type: 8816-byte null-terminated ASCII string
Attribute: metadata scalar
Type: 242-byte null-terminated UTF-8 string
Location: 1:96
Links: 1
/raw_data Dataset {3701/Inf}
Attribute: CLASS scalar
Type: 5-byte null-terminated UTF-8 string
Attribute: FIELD_0_FILL scalar
Type: native double
Attribute: FIELD_0_NAME scalar
Type: 9-byte null-terminated UTF-8 string
Attribute: FIELD_1_FILL scalar
Type: native double
Attribute: FIELD_1_NAME scalar
Type: 7-byte null-terminated UTF-8 string
Attribute: FIELD_2_FILL scalar
Type: native double
Attribute: FIELD_2_NAME scalar
Type: 7-byte null-terminated UTF-8 string
Attribute: FIELD_3_FILL scalar
Type: native long long
Attribute: FIELD_3_NAME scalar
Type: 12-byte null-terminated UTF-8 string
Attribute: NROWS scalar
Type: native long long
Attribute: TITLE null
Type: 1-byte null-terminated UTF-8 string
Attribute: VERSION scalar
Type: 3-byte null-terminated UTF-8 string
Attribute: json_schema scalar
Type: 2824-byte null-terminated UTF-8 string
Attribute: metadata scalar
Type: 2824-byte null-terminated UTF-8 string
Location: 1:10240
Links: 1
Chunks: {2048} 65536 bytes
Storage: 118432 logical bytes, 6670 allocated bytes, 1775.59% utilization
Filter-0: shuffle-2 OPT {32}
Filter-1: deflate-1 OPT {9}
Type: struct {
"test_time" +0 native double
"current" +8 native double
"voltage" +16 native double
"cycle_number" +24 native long long
} 32 bytes
Multiple Batteries per File
Data from multiple batteries can share a single HDF5 file as long as they share the same metadata.
Add multiple batteries into an HDF5 file by providing a "prefix" to name each cell.
.. code-block:: python
test_a.to_hdf('test.h5', prefix='a')
test_b.to_hdf('test.h5', prefix='b', overwrite=False) # Overwrite is mandatory
Load a specific cell by providing a specific prefix on load
.. code-block:: python
test_a = BatteryDataset.from_hdf('test.h5', prefix='a')
or load any of the included cells by providing an index
.. code-block:: python
test_a = BatteryDataset.from_hdf('test.h5', prefix=0)
Load all cells by iterating over them:
.. code-block:: python
for name, cell in BatteryDataset.all_cells_from_hdf('test.h5'):
Appending to Existing File
The :class:`` class facilitates adding to existing datasets.
Start by creating the writer with the desired compression settings
.. code-block:: python
from import HDFWriter
writer = HDFWriter(complevel=9)
Add a new table to an existing dataset with :meth:``,
which requires the name of a dataset and a `column schema `_.
.. code-block:: python
import pandas as pd
import tables
# Make dataset and column
df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [1., 0.]})
schema = ColumnSchema()
schema.add_column('a', 'A column')
with tables.open_file('example.h5', mode='a') as file:
writer.add_table(file, 'example_table', df, schema)
Add data to an existing table with :meth:``
.. code-block:: python
with tables.open_file('example.h5', mode='a') as file:
writer.append_to_table(file, 'example_table', df)
The new table must match the existing table's contents exactly.
Any compression settings or metadata from the existing table will be re-used.
The `Apache Parquet format `_ is designed for high performance I/O of tabular data.
``battdat`` stores each type of data in a separate file and the metadata in `file-level metadata `_
of each file.
.. code-block:: python
from pyarrow import parquet as pq
import json
# Reading the metadata
file_metadata = pq.read_metadata('raw_data.parquet') # Parquet metadata
metadata = json.loads(file_metadata.metadata[b'battery_metadata']) # For the battery
schema = json.loads(file_metadata.metadata[b'table_metadata']) # For the columns
# Reading the data
table = pq.read_table('raw_data.parquet') # In pyarrow's native Table format
df = table.to_pandas() # As a dataframe
The internal structure of a Parquet file saved by ``battdat`` has column names and data types which match those provided when saving the file.
Any numeric types will be the same format (e.g., ``float32`` vs ``float64``)
and times are stored as floating point numbers, rather than Parquet's time format.