

The Thevenin equivalent circuit model is a common low-fidelity battery model consisting of a single resistor in series with any number of RC pairs, i.e., parallel resistor-capacitor pairs. This Python package contains an API for building and running experiments using Thevenin models.

Accessing the documentation

Documentation is accessible via Python’s help() function which prints docstrings from a package, module, function, class, etc. You can also access the documentation by visiting the website, hosted through GitHub pages. The website includes search functionality and more detailed examples.




All-step solution.


Experiment builder.


ODE/DAE solver.


Circuit model.


Single-step solution.

Package Contents#

class thevenin.CycleSolution(*soln)[source]#

All-step solution.

A solution instance with all experiment steps stitch together into a single cycle.


*soln (StepSolution) – All unpacked StepSolution instances to stitch together. The given steps should be given in the same sequential order that they were run.


Return a subset of the solution.


idx (int | tuple) – The step index (int) or first/last indices (tuple) to return.


soln (StepSolution | CycleSolution) – The returned solution subset. A StepSolution is returned if ‘idx’ is an int, and a CycleSolution will be returned for the range of requested steps when ‘idx’ is a tuple.

plot(x, y, **kwargs)#

Plot any two variables in ‘vars’ against each other.

  • x (str) – A variable key in ‘vars’ to be used for the x-axis.

  • y (str) – A variable key in ‘vars’ to be used for the y-axis.



property errors: bool | tuple#

Details regarding whether or not an error stopped the solver.


errors (bool | tuple) – If an error stopped the solver, this value will be a tuple. The first argument will be True, and the second argument will provide the index within t, y, and ydot that stores the values of time and solution when the error was triggered. If an error did not stop the solver, this value will be False.

property message: str#

Readable solver exit message.


message (str) – Exit message from the IDASolver.

property roots: bool | tuple#

Details regarding whether or not a rootfn stopped the solver.


roots (bool | tuple) – If a rootfn stopped the solver, this value will be a tuple. The first argument will be True, and the second argument will provide the index within t, y, and ydot that stores the values of time and solution when the root function was triggered. If a root did not stop the solver, this value will be False.

property solvetime: str#

Print a statement specifying how long IDASolver spent integrating.


solvetime (str) – An f-string with the total solver integration time in seconds.

property success: bool#

Overall solver exit status.


success (bool) – True if no errors, False otherwise.

property t: numpy.ndarray#

Saved solution times.


t (1D np.array) – Solution times [s].

property tstop: bool | tuple#

Details regarding whether or not the tstop option stopped the solver.


tstop (bool | tuple) – If the tstop option stopped the solver, this value is a tuple. The first argument will be True, and the second argument will provide the index within t, y, and ydot that stores the values of time and solution when the tstop function was triggered. If tstop did not stop the solver, this value will be False.

property y: numpy.ndarray#

Solution variables [units]. Rows correspond to solution times and columns to state variables, in the same order as y0.


y (2D np.array) – Solution variables [units].

property ydot: numpy.ndarray#

Solution variable time derivatives [units/s]. Rows and columns share the same organization as y.


ydot (2D np.array) – Solution variable time derivatives [units/s].

class thevenin.Experiment(**kwargs)[source]#

Experiment builder.

A class to define an experimental protocol. Use the add_step() method to add a series of sequential steps. Each step defines a control mode, a constant or time-dependent load profile, a time span, and optional limiting criteria to stop the step early if a specified event/state is detected.


kwargs (dict, optional) – IDASolver keyword arguments that will span all steps.

See also


The solver class, with documentation for most keyword arguments that you might want to adjust.

add_step(mode, value, tspan, limits=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Add a step to the experiment.

  • mode (str) – Control mode, from {‘current_A’, ‘voltage_V’, ‘power_W’}.

  • value (float | Callable) – Value of boundary contion in the appropriate units.

  • tspan (tuple) – Relative times for recording solution [s]. Providing a tuple as (t_max: float, Nt: int) or (t_max: float, dt: float) constructs tspan using np.linspace or np.arange, respectively.

  • limits (tuple[str, float], optional) – Stopping criteria for the new step, must be entered in sequential name/value pairs. Allowable names are {‘soc’, ‘temperature_K’, ‘current_A’, ‘voltage_V’, ‘power_W’, ‘capacity_Ah’, ‘time_s’, ‘time_min’, ‘time_h’}. Values for each limit should immediately follow a corresponding name and be the appropriate units. All of the time limits represent the total experiment time. The default is None.

  • **kwargs (dict, optional) – IDASolver keyword arguments specific to the new step only.



  • ValueError – ‘mode’ is invalid.

  • ValueError – A ‘limits’ name is invalid.

  • ValueError – ‘tspan’ tuple must be length 2.

  • TypeError – ‘tspan[1]’ must be type int or float.

See also


The solver class, with documentation for most keyword arguments that you might want to adjust.


For time-dependent loads, use a Callable for ‘value’ with a function signature like def load(t: float) -> float, where t is the step’s relative time, in seconds.

The solution times array is constructed depending on the ‘tspan’ input types:

  • Given (float, int):

    tspan = np.linspace(0., tspan[0], tspan[1])

  • Given (float, float):

    tspan = np.arange(0., tspan[0] + tspan[1], tspan[1])


Prints a formatted/readable list of steps.



property num_steps: int#

Return number of steps.


num_steps (int) – Number of steps.

property steps: list[dict]#

Return steps list.


steps (list[dict]) – List of the step dictionaries.

class thevenin.IDASolver(residuals, **kwargs)[source]#

ODE/DAE solver.

This solver supports first-order ODEs and DAEs. The solver requires the problem to be written in terms of a residual function, with a signature def residuals(t, y, yp, res, inputs) -> None. Instead of a return value, the function fills res (a 1D array sized like y) with expressions from the system of equations, res = M(y)*yp - f(t, y). Here, t is time, y is an array of dependent solution variables, and yp are time derivatives of y. The inputs argument allows the user to pass any additional parameters to the residuals function.

  • residuals (Callable) – Function like def residuals(t, y, yp, res, inputs) -> None.

  • **kwargs (dict, optional) –

    Keywords, descriptions, and defaults given below.


    Description (type or {options}, default)


    absolute tolerance (float, 1e-6)


    relative tolerance (float, 1e-5)


    optional residual arguments (tuple, None)


    linear solver ({‘dense’, ‘band’}, ‘dense’)


    residual function’s lower bandwidth (int, 0)


    residual function’s upper bandwidth (int, 0)


    root/event function (Callable, None)


    number of events in rootfn (int, 0)


    uncertain t0 values ({‘y0’, ‘yp0’, None}, ‘yp0’)


    algebraic variable indices (list[int], None)


    maximum allowable integration step (float, 0.)


    maximum integration time (float, None)


  • IDA stands for Implicit Differential Algebraic solver. The solver is accessed through scikits-odes, a Python wrapper for SUNDIALS.

  • Not setting algidx for DAEs will likely result in an instability.

  • For unrestricted integration steps, use max_dt = 0..

  • Root functions require a signature like def rootfn(t, y, yp, events, inputs) -> None. Instead of a return value, the function fills the events argument (a 1D array with size equal to the number of events to track). If any events index equals zero during integration, the solver will exit.

  • If setting rootfn, you also need to set nr_rootfns to allocate memory for the correct number of expressions (i.e., events.size).


The following demonstrates solving a system of ODEs. For ODEs, derivative expressions yp can be written for each y. Therefore, we can write each residual as res[i] = yp[i] - f(t, y) where f(t, y) is an expression for the derivative in terms of t and y.

Note that even though the solver requires knowing the initial derivatives, we set yp0 = np.zeros_like(y0), which are not true yp0 values. The default option initcond='yp0' solves for the correct yp0 values before starting the integration.

import thevenin
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def residuals(t, y, yp, res):
    res[0] = yp[0] - y[1]
    res[1] = yp[1] - 1e3*(1. - y[0]**2)*y[1] + y[0]

solver = thevenin.IDASolver(residuals)

y0 = np.array([0.5, 0.5])
yp0 = np.zeros_like(y0)
tspan = np.linspace(0., 500., 200)

solution = solver.solve(tspan, y0, yp0)

plt.plot(solution.t, solution.y)

The next problem solves a DAE system. DAEs arise when systems of governing equations contain both ODEs and algebraic constraints.

To solve a DAE, you should specify the y indices that store algebraic variables. In other words, for which y can you not write a yp expression? In the example below, we have yp[0] and yp[1] filling the first two residual expressions. However, yp[2] does not appear in any of the residuals. Therefore, y[2] is an algebraic variable, and we tell this to the solver using the keyword argument algidx=[2]. Even though we only have one algebraic variable, this option input must be a list of integers.

As in the ODE example, we let the solver determine the yp0 values that provide a consistent initial condition. Prior to plotting, y[1] is scaled for visual purposes. You can see the same example provided by MATLAB.

import thevenin
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def residuals(t, y, yp, res):
    res[0] = yp[0] + 0.04*y[0] - 1e4*y[1]*y[2]
    res[1] = yp[1] - 0.04*y[0] + 1e4*y[1]*y[2] + 3e7*y[1]**2
    res[2] = y[0] + y[1] + y[2] - 1.

solver = thevenin.IDASolver(residuals, algidx=[2])

y0 = np.array([1., 0., 0.])
yp0 = np.zeros_like(y0)
tspan = np.hstack([0., 4.*np.logspace(-6, 6)])

solution = solver.solve(tspan, y0, yp0)

solution.y[:, 1] *= 1e4

plt.semilogx(solution.t, solution.y)
init_step(t0, y0, ydot0)[source]#

Solve for a consistent initial condition.

  • t0 (float) – Initial time [s].

  • y0 (1D np.array) – State variables at t0.

  • yp0 (1D np.array) – State variable time derivatives at t0.


solution (SolverReturn) – Solution at time t0.

solve(tspan, y0, ydot0)[source]#

Solve the system over ‘tspan’.

  • tspan (1D np.array) – Times [s] to store the solution.

  • y0 (1D np.array) – State variables at tspan[0].

  • yp0 (1D np.array) – State variable time derivatives at tspan[0].


solution (SolverReturn) – Solution at times in tspan.


Solve for a successive time step.

Before calling step() for the first time, call init_step() to initialize the solver at ‘t0’.


t (float) – Solution step time [s]. Can be higher or lower than the previous time, however, significantly lower values may return errors.


solution (SolverReturn) – Solution at time t.

class thevenin.Model(params='params.yaml')[source]#

Circuit model.

A class to construct and run the model. Provide the parameters using either a dictionary or a ‘.yaml’ file. Note that the number of Rj and Cj attributes must be consistent with the num_RC_pairs value. See the notes for more information on the callable parameters.


params (dict | str) –

Mapping of model parameter names to their values. Can be either a dict or absolute/relateive file path to a yaml file (str). The keys/value pair descriptions are given below. The default uses a .yaml file. Use the templates() function to view this file.


Value (type, units)


number of RC pairs (int, -)


initial state of charge (float, -)


maximum battery capacity (float, Ah)


total battery mass (float, kg)


flag for isothermal model (bool, -)


specific heat capacity (float, J/kg/K)


room/air temperature (float, K)


convective coefficient (float, W/m2/K)


heat loss area (float, m2)


open circuit voltage (callable, V)


series resistance (callable, Ohm)


resistance in RCj (callable, Ohm)


capacity in RCj (callable, F)

  • TypeError – ‘params’ must be type dict or str.

  • ValueError – ‘params’ contains invalid and/or excess key/value pairs.


A pre-processor runs at the end of the model initialization. If you modify any parameters after class instantiation, you will need to manually re-run the pre-processor (i.e., the pre() method) afterward.


The ocv property should have a signature like f(soc: float) -> float, where soc is the time-dependent state of charged solved for within the model. All R0, Rj, and Cj properties should have signatures like f(soc: float, T_cell: float) -> float, where T_cell is the temperature in K determined in the model.

Rj and Cj are not true property names. These are just used generally in the documentation. If num_RC_pairs=1 then in addition to R0, you should define R1 and C1. If num_RC_pairs=2 then you should also give values for R2 and C2, etc. For the special case where num_RC_pairs=0, you should not provide any resistance or capacitance values besides the series resistance R0, which is always required.


Pre-process and prepare the model for running experiments.

This method builds solution pointers, registers algebraic variable indices, stores the mass matrix, and initializes the battery state.




This method runs the first time during the class initialization. It generally does not have to be run again unless you modify any model attributes. You should manually re-run the pre-processor if you alter any properties after initialization. Forgetting to manually re-run the pre-processor may cause inconsistencies between the updated properties and the model’s pointers, state, etc.

residuals(t, sv, svdot, inputs)[source]#

Return the DAE residuals.

The DAE residuals should be near zero at each time step. The solver requires the DAE to be written in terms of its residuals in order to minimize their values.

  • t (float) – Value of time [s].

  • sv (1D np.array) – State variables at time t.

  • svdot (1D np.array) – State variable time derivatives at time t.

  • inputs (dict) – Dictionary detailing an experimental step.


res (1D np.array) – DAE residuals, res = M*ydot - rhs(t, y).

rhs_funcs(t, sv, inputs)[source]#

Right hand side functions.

Returns the right hand side for the DAE system. For any differential variable i, rhs[i] must be equivalent to M[i, i]*y[i]. For algebraic variables rhs[i] must be an expression that equals zero.

  • t (float) – Value of time [s].

  • sv (1D np.array) – State variables at time t.

  • inputs (dict) – Dictionary detailing an experimental step.


rhs (1D np.array) – The right hand side values of the DAE system.


Run an experiment.


exp (Experiment) – An experiment instance.


soln (CycleSolution) – A stitched solution will all experimental steps.

See also


Build an experiment.


Wrapper for an all-steps solution.

run_step(exp, stepidx)[source]#

Run a single experimental step.

  • exp (Experiment) – An experiment instance.

  • stepidx (int) – Step index to run. The first step has index 0.


soln (StepSolution) – Solution to the experiment step.


The model’s internal state is changed at the end of each experiment step. Consequently, you should not run steps out of order. You should always start with stepidx = 0 and then progress to the subsequent steps afterward. After the last step, you should manually run the preprocessor pre() to reset the model before running additional experiments.

See also


Build an experiment.


Wrapper for a single-step solution.


Using the run() method will automatically run all steps in an experiment and will stitch the solutions together for you. You should only run step by step if you trying to fine tune solver options, or if you have a complex protocol and you can’t set an experimental step until interpreting a previous step.

class thevenin.StepSolution(model, ida_soln, timer)[source]#

Single-step solution.

A solution instance for a single experimental step.

  • model (Model) – The model instance that was run to produce the solution.

  • ida_soln (SolverReturn) – The unformatted solution returned by IDASolver.

  • timer (float) – Amount of time it took for IDASolver to perform the integration.

plot(x, y, **kwargs)#

Plot any two variables in ‘vars’ against each other.

  • x (str) – A variable key in ‘vars’ to be used for the x-axis.

  • y (str) – A variable key in ‘vars’ to be used for the y-axis.



property errors: bool | tuple#

Details regarding whether or not an error stopped the solver.


errors (bool | tuple) – If an error stopped the solver, this value will be a tuple. The first argument will be True, and the second argument will provide the index within t, y, and ydot that stores the values of time and solution when the error was triggered. If an error did not stop the solver, this value will be False.

property message: str#

Readable solver exit message.


message (str) – Exit message from the IDASolver.

property roots: bool | tuple#

Details regarding whether or not a rootfn stopped the solver.


roots (bool | tuple) – If a rootfn stopped the solver, this value will be a tuple. The first argument will be True, and the second argument will provide the index within t, y, and ydot that stores the values of time and solution when the root function was triggered. If a root did not stop the solver, this value will be False.

property solvetime: str#

Print a statement specifying how long IDASolver spent integrating.


solvetime (str) – An f-string with the solver integration time in seconds.

property success: bool#

Overall solver exit status.


success (bool) – True if no errors, False otherwise.

property t: numpy.ndarray#

Saved solution times.


t (1D np.array) – Solution times [s].

property tstop: bool | tuple#

Details regarding whether or not the tstop option stopped the solver.


tstop (bool | tuple) – If the tstop option stopped the solver, this value is a tuple. The first argument will be True, and the second argument will provide the index within t, y, and ydot that stores the values of time and solution when the tstop function was triggered. If tstop did not stop the solver, this value will be False.

property y: numpy.ndarray#

Solution variables [units]. Rows correspond to solution times and columns to state variables, in the same order as y0.


y (2D np.array) – Solution variables [units].

property ydot: numpy.ndarray#

Solution variable time derivatives [units/s]. Rows and columns share the same organization as y.


ydot (2D np.array) – Solution variable time derivatives [units/s].