Schemas (batdata.schemas)#

Schemas for battery data and metadata

pydantic model batdata.schemas.BatteryMetadata#

Bases: BaseModel

Representation for the metadata about a battery

The metadata captures the information about what experiment was run on what battery. A complete set of metadata should be sufficient to reproduce an experiment.

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.

self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.

  • extra: str = allow

field associated_ids: List[Url] | None = None#

Any identifiers associated with this data file. Identifiers can be any URI, such as DOIs of associated paper or HTTP addresses of associated websites

field authors: List[Tuple[str, str]] | None = None#

Name and affiliation of each of the authors of the data. First and last names

field battery: BatteryDescription | None = None#

Description of the battery being tested

field comments: str | None = None#

Long form comments describing the test

field cycle_stats_columns: Dict[str, str] [Optional]#

Descriptions of non-standard columns in the cycle stats

field cycler: str | None = None#

Name of the cycling machine

field dataset_name: str | None = None#

Name of a larger dataset this data is associated with

field eis_data_columns: Dict[str, str] [Optional]#

Descriptions of non-standard columns in the EIS data

field is_measurement: bool = True#

Whether the data was created observationally as opposed to a computer simulation

field modeling: ModelMetadata | None = None#

Description of simulation approach

field name: str | None = None#

Name of the cell. Any format for the name is acceptable, as it is intended to be used by the battery data provider.

field raw_data_columns: Dict[str, str] [Optional]#

Descriptions of non-standard columns in the raw data

field schedule: str | None = None#

Schedule file used for the cycling machine

field set_temperature: float | None = None#

Set temperature for the battery testing equipment. Units: C

field source: str | None = None#

Organization who created this data

field start_date: date | None = None#

Date the initial test on the cell began

field version: str = '0.3.3'#

Version of this metadata. Set by the battery-data-toolkit

Battery Description (b.schemas.battery)#

Schemas associated with the components of a battery

pydantic model batdata.schemas.battery.BatteryDescription#

Bases: BaseModel

Description of the entire battery

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.

self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.

  • extra: str = allow

field anode: ElectrodeDescription | None = None#

Name of the anode material

field cathode: ElectrodeDescription | None = None#

Name of the cathode material

field design: str | None = None#

Name of the battery type, such as the battery product ID

field dimensions: List[float] | None = None#

Dimensions of the battery in plain text.

field electrolyte: ElectrolyteDescription | None = None#

Name of the electrolyte material

field form_factor: str | None = None#

The general shape of the battery

field layer_count: int | None = None#

Number of layers within the battery

  • gt = 1

field manufacturer: str | None = None#

Manufacturer of the battery

field mass: float | None = None#

Mass of the entire battery. Units: kg

field nominal_capacity: float | None = None#

Rated capacity of the battery. Units: A-hr

pydantic model batdata.schemas.battery.ElectrodeDescription#

Bases: BaseModel

Description of an electrode

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.

self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.

  • extra: str = allow

field area: float | None = None#

Total area of the electrode (units: cm2)

  • ge = 0

field loading: float | None = None#

Amount of active material per area (units: mg/cm^2)

  • ge = 0

field name: str [Required]#

Short description of the electrolyte type

field porosity: float | None = None#

Relative volume of the electrode occupied by gas (units: %)

  • ge = 0

  • le = 100

field product: str | None = None#

Name of the product. Unique to the supplier

field supplier: str | None = None#

Manufacturer of the material

field thickness: float | None = None#

Thickness of the material (units: μm)

  • ge = 0

pydantic model batdata.schemas.battery.ElectrolyteAdditive#

Bases: BaseModel

Additive to the electrolyte

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.

self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.

  • extra: str = allow

field amount: float | None = None#

Amount added to the solution

field name: str [Required]#

Name of the additive

field units: float | None = None#

Units of the amount

pydantic model batdata.schemas.battery.ElectrolyteDescription#

Bases: BaseModel

Description of the electrolyte

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.

self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.

  • extra: str = allow

field additives: List[ElectrolyteAdditive] [Optional]#

Any additives present in the electrolyte

field name: str [Required]#

Short description of the electrolyte types

Metadata: Computation (b.schemas.modeling)#

Metadata which describes how data produced by models were generated

pydantic model batdata.schemas.modeling.ModelMetadata#

Bases: BaseModel

Describe the type and version of a computational tool used to generate battery data

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.

self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.

  • extra: str = allow

field models: List[str] | None = None#

Type of mathematical model(s) being used in physics simulation.Use terms defined in BattINFO, such as “BatteryEquivalentCircuitModel”.

field name: str [Required]#

Name of the software

field references: List[Url] | None = None#

List of references associated with the software

field simulation_type: str | None = None#

Type of simulation being performed. Use terms defined in BattINFO, such as “TightlyCoupledModelsSimulation”

field type: ModelTypes | None = None#

Type of the computational method it implements.

field version: str | None [Required]#

Version of the software if known

class batdata.schemas.modeling.ModelTypes(value)#

Bases: str, Enum

Type of computational method

data = 'data'#

A computational application that uses existing data to predict the behaviour of a system without providing a identifiable analogy with the original object.


empirical = 'empirical'#

A computational application that uses an empiric equation to predict the behaviour of a system without relying on the knowledge of the actual physical phenomena occurring in the object.


physics = 'physics'#

A computational application that uses a physical model to predict the behaviour of a system, providing a identifiable analogy with the original object.


Data: Time Series (b.schemas.cycling)#

Schemas related to describing cycling data

class batdata.schemas.cycling.ChargingState(value)#

Bases: str, Enum

Potential charging states of the battery:

  • charging: Battery is being charged

  • hold: Battery is neither charging nor discharging

  • discharging: Battery is being discharged

  • unknown: State was unable to be determined

charging = 'charging'#
discharging = 'discharging'#
hold = 'hold'#
unknown = 'unknown'#
pydantic model batdata.schemas.cycling.ColumnSchema#

Bases: BaseModel

Base class for schemas that describe the columns of a tabular dataset

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.

self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.

classmethod validate_dataframe(data: DataFrame, allow_extra_columns: bool = True)#
class batdata.schemas.cycling.ControlMethod(value)#

Bases: str, Enum

Method used to control battery during a certain step

  • short_rest: A very short rest period. Defined as a step with 4 or fewer measurements with near-zero current

  • rest: An extended period of neither charging nor discharging

  • short_nonrest: A very short period of charging or discharging. Defined as a step with 4 or fewer measurements

    with at least one non-zero current.

  • constant_current: A step where the current is held constant

  • constant_voltage: A step where the voltage is held constant

  • other: A step that does not fit into any of the predefined categories

constant_current = 'constant_current'#
constant_power = 'constant_power'#
constant_voltage = 'constant_voltage'#
other = 'other'#
pulse = 'pulse'#
rest = 'rest'#
short_nonrest = 'short_nonrest'#
short_rest = 'short_rest'#
pydantic model batdata.schemas.cycling.CycleLevelData#

Bases: ColumnSchema

Statistics about the performance of a cell over a certain cycle

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.

self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.

field V_maximum: List[float] = None#

Maximum voltage during cycle. Units: V

field V_minimum: List[float] = None#

Minimum voltage during cycle. Units: V

field capacity_charge: List[float] = None#

Total amount of electrons stored during charge. Units: A-hr

field capacity_discharge: List[float] = None#

Total amount of electrons released during discharge. Units: A-hr

field charge_I_average: List[float] = None#

Average current during charge. Units: A

field charge_V_average: List[float] = None#

Average voltage during charge. Units: V

field coulomb_efficiency: List[float] = None#

Fraction of electric charge that is lost during charge and recharge. Units: %

field cycle_duration: List[float] = None#

Duration of this cycle. Units: s

field cycle_number: List[int] [Required]#

Index of the cycle

field cycle_start: List[float] = None#

Time since the first data point recorded for this battery for the start of this cycle. Units: s

field discharge_I_average: List[float] = None#

Average current during discharge. Units: A

field discharge_V_average: List[float] = None#

Average voltage during discharging. Units: V

field energy_charge: List[float] = None#

Total amount of energy stored during charge. Units: W-hr

field energy_discharge: List[float] = None#

Total amount of energy released during discharge. Units: W-hr

field energy_efficiency: List[float] = None#

Amount of energy lost during charge and discharge

field temperature_average: List[float] = None#

Average observed battery temperature during cycle. Units: C

field temperature_maximum: List[float] = None#

Maximum observed battery temperature during cycle. Units: C

field temperature_minimum: List[float] = None#

Minimum observed battery temperature during cycle. Units: C

pydantic model batdata.schemas.cycling.RawData#

Bases: ColumnSchema

Schema for the time series data.

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.

self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.

field current: List[float] [Required]#

Measured current of the system. Positive current represents the battery discharging and negative represents the batterycharging. Units: A

field cycle_capacity: List[float] = None#

Cumulative change in amount of charge transferred from a battery since the start of a cycle. Positive values indicate the battery has discharged since the start of the cycle.

field cycle_capacity_charge: List[float] = None#

Cycle capacity computed only during the ‘charging’ phase of a cycle

field cycle_capacity_discharge: List[float] = None#

Cycle capacity computed only during the ‘discharging’ phase of a cycle

field cycle_energy: List[float] = None#

Cumulative change in amount of energy transferred from a battery the start of a cycle. Positive values indicate the battery has discharged more than since the start of the cycle.

field cycle_number: List[int] = None#

Index of the testing cycle, starting at 0. All indices should be nonnegative and be monotonically increasing

field cycle_time: List[float] = None#

Time from the beginning of a cycle. Units: s

field file_number: List[int] = None#

Used if test data is stored in multiple files. Number represents the index of the file. All indices should be nonnegative and monotonically increasing

field internal_resistance: List[float] = None#

Internal resistance of the battery. Units: ohm

field method: List[ControlMethod] = None#

List of the method used to control the battery system

field state: List[ChargingState] = None#

Determination of whether the battery is being charged, discharged or held at a constant charge

field step_index: List[int] = None#

Index of the step number within a testing cycle. A step change is defined by a change states between charging, discharging, or resting.

field substep_index: List[int] = None#

Index of the substep within a testing cycle. A substep change is defined by a change of the charging or discharging method, such as change from constant voltage to constant current

field temperature: List[float] = None#

Temperature of the battery. Units: C

field test_time: List[float] [Required]#

Time from the beginning of the cycling test. Times must be nonnegative and monotonically increasing. Units: s

field time: List[float] = None#

Time as a UNIX timestamp. Assumed to be in UTC

field voltage: List[float] [Required]#

Measured voltage of the system. Units: V

Data: EIS (b.schemas.eis)#

Schemas associated with Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy

pydantic model batdata.schemas.eis.EISData#

Bases: ColumnSchema

Measurements for a specific EIS test

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.

self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.

field frequency: List[float] [Required]#

Applied frequency. Units: Hz

field test_id: List[int] [Required]#

Integer used to identify rows belonging to the same experiment.

field test_time: List[float] = None#

Time from the beginning of the cycling test. Times must be nonnegative and monotonically increasing. Units: s

field time: List[float] = None#

Time as a UNIX timestamp. Assumed to be in UTC

field z_imag: List[float] [Required]#

Imaginary component of impedance. Units: Ohm

field z_mag: List[float] [Required]#

Magnitude of impedance. Units: Ohm

field z_phase: List[float] [Required]#

Phase angle of the impedance. Units: Degree

field z_real: List[float] [Required]#

Real component of impedance. Units: Ohm

classmethod validate_dataframe(data: DataFrame, allow_extra_columns: bool = True)#

Utility: Ontologies (b.schemas.ontology)#

Tools used for linking terms in our data format to the BattINFO ontology

class batdata.schemas.ontology.TermInfo(name: str, iri: str, elucidation: str | None)#

Bases: object

Information about a term as referenced from the BattINFO ontology

elucidation: str | None#

Explanation of the term

classmethod from_thing(thing: Thing)#
iri: str#

IRI of the term

name: str#

Name of the matching term

batdata.schemas.ontology.cross_reference_terms(model: Type[BaseModel]) dict[str, TermInfo]#

Gather the descriptions of fields from our schema which are cross-referenced to a term within the BattINFO/EMMO ontologies


model – Schema object to be cross-referenced


Mapping between metadata fields in elucidation field from the ontology

batdata.schemas.ontology.gather_descendants(term: Type[Thing] | str) List[TermInfo]#

Get descriptions of the descendants of a certain base type


term – Term for which to gather all descendants. Either the class object itself or its preferred label or IRI


List of descriptions of the descendants


Download and store the latest ontology into an in-memory

batdata.schemas.ontology.resolve_term(name_or_iri: str) Thing#

Resolve the Term object associated with a string


name_or_iri – The preferred label or the IRI of a term in the ontology


Thing matching the term